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Welcome to theWoman Astronomer Jewelry Store

Every woman astronomer should wear jewelry that reflects her love of the night sky. StarStone earrings are sure to bring twinkling stars to her eyes.

New StarStone Designs Just Arrived!
Hematite! Mottled Moon! Red Jasper!

Coming Soon!
Unikite! Malachite! Purple Goldstone!

Click picture to enlarge.

Item Order

Hematite3Star.jpg (17794 bytes)

Hematite 3 Stars

MottledMoon.jpg (27498 bytes)

Mottled Moon
Only two pairs available!

RedJasper3Star.jpg (16250 bytes)

Red Jasper 3 Stars

SunsetRedJasper.jpg (21321 bytes)

Sunset & Red Jasper

StarStone_Moss_Agate.jpg (7894 bytes)

Moss Agate

StarStone_Picture_Jasper.jpg (5441 bytes)

Picture Jasper

StarStone_Red_AV.jpg (4364 bytes)

Red A.V.

StarStone_Sunset_Jasper.jpg (7603 bytes)

Sunset Jasper

StarStone_Tiger_Eye.jpg (4791 bytes)

Tiger Eye

Unikite.jpg (4853 bytes)


StarStone_Unknown.jpg (4918 bytes)


SS Earrings.jpg (9220 bytes)

Limited Editions
When we find something special, we'll make earrings out of them. These are limited editions and are limited in availability. 



Shipping and Handling

$2.95 will be added to the first item ordered for shipping and handling. Shipping for additional items is $1.00 per item.

Thank you for your order!


Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2024

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